Sunday, November 18, 2007

Use Review Websites to Produce Leads

Using review websites to produce leads is a very effective strategy. With this method you can kill two birds with one stone. First, you get more traffic to your websites. Second, you can get feedback about your website. Having feedback is better than not having any feedback at all. So you will get traffic and feedback at the same time.
First, you need to find review websites before you can start to produce leads. So go to your favorite search engine and start looking. You should submit your websites to as many review websites as possible. The more the merrier.
Next, review the feedback you are getting. Take the information and go over it. Only change your website if you feel the change is necessary. Also if you believe the changing your websites content will help you convert more sales.
In conclusion submit your websites to as many review websites as possible. As you begin to make changes to your website you should start to see a higher conversion rate, meaning more leads and sales. Review websites are a perfect way to sharpen up your websites and at the same time produce leads.
This article was written by Eric Fields for more info visit

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